Living Will Attorney

A living will is a legal document that outlines your healthcare preferences and decisions in case you become unable to communicate them yourself. The thought of hitting unexpected health crises and not having a sound mind to make healthcare decisions for yourself can be frightening. Unfortunately, many who need a living will do not realize it until they find themselves somehow incapacitated an unforeseeable situation.

We understand that estate planning for the future is not just about financial or career goals but also about ensuring that your healthcare wishes are fulfilled. With the help of this overview, you can explore the significance of securing your healthcare wishes, how to create a living will, and how it’s beneficial to hire a living will attorney.

Book a consultation with William C. Roof to secure peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones with a living will.

What Is a Living Will and Why is it Necessary? 

A living will, often referred to as an advance healthcare directive, states the healthcare decisions of the concerned person and their choices regarding medical treatment and care in situations where they are not of sound mind.

This could be due to incapacity, severe illness, or other unforeseen circumstances. Unlike a last will and testament, which deals with your assets and property after you pass away, a living will focuses on your healthcare while you are still alive.

A living will gives voice to your decisions when you cannot speak.  It gives you the right to make decisions for yourself in dire situations such as life support, resuscitation, or organ donation.

A living will is a smart way to ensure your family and loved ones know what you want, making things easier for them during tough times.

The Benefits of Creating a Living Will

The legal documentation of your decisions regarding medical care has several benefits. Some of them are:

1. Control Over Healthcare Decisions

The primary advantage of a living will is having the right to make healthcare decisions. Your living will ensures that your medical care is consistent with your values and wishes, regardless of who is responsible for making decisions, whether it’s a healthcare proxy, family member, or healthcare provider.

2. Peace of Mind

Another benefit of creating a living will is to have peace of mind, knowing that you made the choices to guide your care should you later be unable to do so. Choosing to have a living will isn’t solely for oneself but also for your concerned family and loved one’s peace of mind. It can restrict the family from making healthcare decisions and exempt them from mental and emotional burdens.

3. Avoids Unnecessary Medical Treatments

This legal document states your like and dislike for any kind of life-sustaining treatment, which in return helps you live the life you planned for yourself. Additionally, it saves resources, time, and money for the treatments that you specifically denied in your living will. A living will empowers you to decide what quality of life you desire, and to avoid any medical treatment that would deprive you from that quality of life.

4. Provides Legal Validity and Protection

A living will is a legally binding document, which means your healthcare providers are obliged to follow your wishes, provided the living will complies with Florida law.

5. Prevents Family Disputes

Through a living will, an individual states clearly what they do and do not want, so there is less chance for meddling with one’s crucial medical decisions. Quite often, family or other loved ones can get into a dispute while they make healthcare decisions for you, but a living will attorney ensures your decision is valued above all.

6. Promotes Dignity and Autonomy

A healthcare advance directive helps empower people to make medical decisions. This honors the individual’s right to his or her body and life, honoring his or her autonomy even when not fit to act independently. Moreover, a living will helps preserve dignity by aligning medical treatment with one’s values, beliefs, and personal preferences.

How to Create a Living Will

Creating a living will, also referred to as an advance healthcare directive, is a straightforward yet important process that allows you to specify your healthcare preferences in advance.

Here’s an overview on how to create a living will:

1. Consult a Legal Professional

It is highly advisable to consult with a living will attorney or advance directive attorney in Florida who practices estate planning and healthcare law. An attorney can provide you with guidance, ensure that your document is legally enforceable, and help you navigate nuances specific to Florida law.

While it is possible to create a living will without an attorney, his or her assistance can be invaluable in ensuring your wishes are accurately and legally documented.

2. Reflect on Your Healthcare Preferences

Think through various medical scenarios, including end-of-life care, life support, organ donation, and pain management and evaluate the treatments you are and are not willing to receive, including the quality of life you require for yourself.

Simultaneously, talk to your family and friends and take their opinions into account. Think about your values, beliefs, and what quality of life means to you, and then discuss the options with your living will lawyer who may have additional considerations you will find helpful.

3. Draft the Official Document

Once you have more clarity about your preferences, it is time to draft the official document stating your wishes regarding any future health-related conditions. Your living will attorney drafts the living will for your review and feedback. The goal is to capture and express your medical preferences as clearly and accurately as reasonably possible.

4. Execute and Notarize

After reviewing and approving the final draft of the living will, the next step is to execute the document. Florida law requires you to sign the living will in the presence of two witnesses, of whom at least one cannot be a spouse or blood relative. Notarization of the living will is not required, but notarization can reduce the potential that a living will may be challenged at a later time and is recommended.

5. Review and Update

Over time your life circumstances and preferences may change, which makes it essential to review your living will periodically and make updates if needed. Just as there are legal requirements to creating a living will, be mindful that there are legal requirements to revising a living will. Consult with your living will attorney to ensure any amendments or modifications are legally enforceable.

Requirements of a Valid Florida Living Will

Creating a living will in Florida is not as simple as jotting down your preferences on the back of a napkin. A living will is a legally binding document, and therefore, there are specific requirements to ensure its validity. Requirements include the following:

1. Age and Mental Capacity

A person must be of sound mind and older than 18 to create a living will for themselves. This is meant to ensure that the person in question is capable of understanding the complexities of a living will and the implications of his or her decisions.

2. Written Document

A living will should be reduced to writing. The final legal document should contain clear and specific instructions regarding your various healthcare preferences, including the type of medical treatments or interventions you desire or wish to avoid in various medical scenarios.

3. Two Witnesses, Along with Affidavits

Two witnesses should be present while a person officially executes a living will. These witnesses should be adults, at least one of whom is neither the person’s spouse or blood relative. Ideally, beneficiaries of the person’s estate would also not subscribe as witnesses to facilitate impartiality.  Moreover, there should be a witness affidavit section at the end of your living will, along with their signatures.

4. Health Care Proxy (Optional)

In your living will, you can designate a healthcare surrogate or health care proxy who can make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This designation should be clearly stated in the document. A healthcare proxy can be your family member, friend, or healthcare agent.

5. HIPAA Release

A HIPAA release, or Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act release, is a legal document that allows an individual to authorize the disclosure of their protected health information to specific parties (in this case, the healthcare proxy or healthcare surrogate), ensuring their medical privacy rights are upheld while permitting the sharing of healthcare data for various purposes, such as treatment or insurance claims.

Frequently Asked Questions About Living Wills 

What Is a Living Will?

A living will is a legally enforceable document that outlines an individual’s healthcare preferences and treatment choices if they become unable to communicate the wishes.

Why Do I Need a Living Will?

You need a living will to ensure your medical treatment aligns with your preferences, sparing your loved ones from making difficult decisions on your behalf.

How Is a Living Will Prepared?

A living will is prepared by preparing a document that satisfies the requirements of Florida law wil also expressing one’s health care preferences and aversions. A living will should be prepared with the legal guidance of an estate planning attorney to facilitate its enforceability, clarity, and specificity.

Who Should Have a Living Will?

We believe that each person should enjoy the benefit of directing one’s health care when most unable to express himself or herself. Especially those with specific medical preferences, who do not want to go through an experience similar to what they previously shared with another loved one. A living will ensures one’s personal wishes are respected in times of distress and vulnerability.

Does a Living Will Expire?

A living will does not expire, but it is essential to review and update it periodically to reflect any changes in one’s healthcare preferences.

Speak with a Living Will Attorney Near You 

In a world of uncertainty, a living will provides a sense of control, assuring that your healthcare choices are respected throughout your journey. By making your own healthcare decisions, you give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind while sparing them from the anguish of making healthcare decisions in difficult situations.

Now, you can end your search for a “living will attorney near me” by reaching out to William C. Roof. Schedule your consultation today.

The contents of this article are not comprehensive, they provide only a general overview of the subject matter discussed. This article does not establish a client-attorney relationship with the reader, and no legal decisions should be made based on the article’s contents. Because every legal matter arises under unique facts specific to the client, no legal decision should be made without consulting a licensed attorney.

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